My little e is 15 months today. Time is really flying. I thought I'd use this post to document things about her today...I do realize that no one other than me, my mom and maybe my sis are interested in her accomplishments thus far! but, I love reading back through my blog after a few months and see what she was doing when..and I am also a proud mommy!
All about E
She likes to eat chicken nuggets, mashed potatoes, some pastas, dried apples, bananas, peaches, milk and apple juice...and well... that's about it! I have a picky little thing on my hands. I did get her to eat a little Fettucine Alfredo with peas in it last night so maybe we are making progress. She loves her fact she wakes up saying Papa and goes to sleep saying papa. When we pull up to their house she starts acting like she is gonna hyperventilate because she is so excited. She also loves her Mimi too and is no longer calling her Day-Day but can now say Mimi. E loves her books and her babies. She is already quite a little mommy. She now is feeding her babies with her play spoon, bowl and bottles. She can ride on her car all over the house all by herself. She likes to put her baby, bear, bunny and Leapfrog Caterpillar all in her chair...and then she tries to sit in it. She loves to wave and blow kisses to strangers at Wal-mart. She loves people and never really meets a stranger. E loves her passy and her bunny! These are her favorite two things (we really should have ended the passy thing a long time ago...I think we are in trouble now). She also loves to snuggle in mommy and daddy's bed...why did we ever start this??? Oh yea because we love to snuggle with her just as much! We are trying to limit this to only first thing in the mornings...most days! Over the holidays she loved our "Bee"...."Tree!" Now she is noticing trees everywhere and exclaims..."A Bee, A Bee, A Bee!" She can hear an airplane coming from miles away..and always lets me know. We have been working on animal sounds for quite a while as we talk and read her books. To no avail they all say "ha, ha, ha" to her (which is what she has always done for the monkey.) She has learned recently that the sheep says "baaa" and she says "aaaa" when she gets the book that the sheep is in. I have been doing baby sign language with her since she was small and she never really got it except all done. (I had decided that I must surely be doing something wrong!) Well, over the past month she is now signing please, thank-you, and more. It is so cute and I love making her use her manners.
Okay so I know that is way more than anyone wanted to know but I am amazed everyday by this little girl. She has brought more joy to me and fills each day with busyness, fun and learning. I still have not gotten over the fact that she is mine and I get to keep her. Thank you Lord for my e!
Aw I miss that little girl already!! She is so fun and such a joy to play with! Thanks for posting her update.. I love reading it and feeling closer while so far away. I can't wait to come home again and kiss those little toddler cheeks! Love you!
I think it is so cute to read what e is doing. I love to watch little ones grow and learn. I said at every stage of my kids growing that it was my favorite. The truth is, I just love watching them grow and I can't wait to see how God will use their personalities for His glory.
PS Sage kept his "binky' til about 4. (Only at bedtime after 2yrs) He knew if Mommy saw it, it went in the trash so he had a stash under his pillow. Too cute!
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