Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Oh my...moment in mothering!

I had something happen a few weeks ago that I am sure I will never forget.  In fact, I feel quite sure that it is a story that my girls will grow up hearing and will laugh or roll their eyes at one day.  On the particular morning Ella was on the bed watching Dora, Eliza was in her swing chillin (can you believe she will still swing at almost 12m...I can't)  anyways...I was finally jumping in the shower at almost 10 am.

I was showering when Ella came in and said, "Mommy sissy has poo-poo!"  I said, "Okay Ella, mommy is almost done and I will check her when I get out."  I figured she was grunting or something and continued to finish my shower.  I few seconds later Ella ran in again and said, "Mommy sissy really has poo-poo!"  At that moment I knew it must be bad!  

I jumped out of the shower and my precious, sweet, and wonderful little Eliza had pooped out of her diaper all in her swing and was PLAYING in it! These pictues really do not do it justice or maybe it just seemed so much worse than it really was.  It was on her hands, arms, legs, between toes...and it was drying!  YUCK!

Notice the cheerios!!  I am thankful she wasn't eating them...or at least I don't think she did!

I am sure if you are a mom there is a big chance that you might have had a similar situation occur.  I used a whole thing of wipes, threw the onesie away, soaked the swing cover, Clorox wiped it to death...and then used tons on Lysol.  Little missy also had her a good long soakin!!  (It was even under her little fingernails)!  This was an oh my moment I will never forget! 
All clean again!! 

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Monday, September 6, 2010

Eliza's 11 month that she is almost one!

I cannot for the life of me believe that my Eliza is almost one.  Maybe that is part of my delay in writing this post.  Now that we are about two weeks from her big day...I figured I better!!  To be honest part of me is really sad that she is moving closer to toddler hood!  I think I realize now more than I did with Ella, that they don't stay little for long.  I think I am also realizing that I may only "try" to do the baby thing one more time, and that really makes me sad. 

At 11 months Eliza is busy and moving.  She is cruising on everything including the walls.  She is taking steps...three at a time is about her limit.  She loves walking and pushing our baby strollers and tries to climb in and on things (baby highchair, Ella's bike, kiddie chairs).  Oh yea and she loves crawling under our end tables.  She is keeping us on our toes! 

She can say mama, Dada, papa, and Ella.  I love to hear her call for Ella.  It is the cutest thing!  I think her favorite part of the day is going into Ella's room when she wakes up from her nap (Eliza is always up before Ella).  She gets so excited to see her big sissy! 

 Eliza is still a wonderful eater. She eats whatever she is offered right now and it is a blessing.  I am sure she will go through a picky stage, but for now she is loving her food.  I no longer feel stressed about her size since she is eating so well.  This is a relief for me. 

Eliza is still super attached to her pink blankie square.  She has also recently started exerting her little will.  She often gets frustrated with her sister, and she lets us all know about it.  I do have to say that the majority of the time it is warranted...esp. when her sissy takes her precious pink blankie square and runs. 

She has been more clingy lately and has turned into a major daddy's girl.  From the time Kev walks in the door, she wants him!! He better not try to put her down or she is not happy.  I love seeing the special relationship that they are growing. 

So, the party is set...invitations are printed and soon my Eliza Anne will be one!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Living Bread

I read the post below this morning and sat and thought...WOW!  As a mom I spend so much time in meal preparation and feeding my girls....much more time than I ever imagined I would prior to kids.   I spend so much time offering them good food for their bodies, but so much less time offering them "real food!"   I would HIGHLY recommend everyone to read it!!

Monday, August 30, 2010

A post dedicated to my man!

Today is my hubby's 32nd Birthday!  We called and sang him happy birthday this morning, as I was not yet quite awake when he kissed me goodbye.  I had some terribly hilarious pictures of him that I wanted to scan and use in this blog, but I am not quite sure how to use the scanner.  Let's just say that they are of him in his younger days and might involve a permed mullet!  Yes, sir...he was quite a looker! Oh my, they are hilarious!!!  Praise the Lord that in his great plan we didn't meet in late middle school or things might not have turned out so well.  In his defense, his family had just moved back to the states from Turkey, so maybe that was a really cool look there! 

I have to say that I am so thankful for Kevin.  This past year has been very eye-opening for the both of us as we have seen more couples than we wish to count on the brink of divorce.  It has not only been eye-opening, but has really showed us both how blessed we are. 

Kevin is such a hard worker.  I mean he gets up early and hits the ground running.  He is constantly reading, studying and listening to sermons and lectures.  Yet, in the midst of all the things that he is doing, he always is willing to help others.  This past year I have watched him as he has put his own agenda aside to encourage and give Godly counsel to many men who are turning to him for help.  He is such a giver and loves helping and giving to those in need. I have seen the Lord using him in new ways. 

One example of his giving heart is that he works downtown and is always taking food, socks, shoes and clothing to homeless men he sees around his office.  He is always looking for ways to help them and ways to tell them about Christ.  Just recently he has had a homeless man refuse to take the canned food and water he offered him.  This really bothered him since it has been so hot and this man sits on the bench not far away from his window....all day every day.  I am so proud of him for even trying.  God has blessed our family so much and I feel a lot of it is due to Kevin's love and passion to give to others.

Kev is an awesome bible teacher.  I know I am partial, but I enjoy listening to him teach each week.  I love that he is bold and courageous in his stand for Christ, yet is always the first to shed a tear... or maybe I should say weep...over what Christ has done for us.  He is passionate about God's Word and very compassionate towards others.  I have seen the Lord working in his life throughout these past 8 years in an incredible way. 

Kev is my best friend.  We went away this past weekend for the first time since we had Ella.  We had so much fun together.  We felt a freedom to just spend the day focusing on each other in a way that we hadn't in quite a while.  We cherish time alone so much more these days.  I love that he is super committed to me and our girls. 

I love that he has been there in the valley with me.  He gets the loss of a child.  He gets the joy of our girls.  He understands my tendency to over organize his stuff and he loves me anyway.  There is no one else I'd rather laugh with, shop with (he is really a good shopper) or follow hard after Christ with.  You are my man and I love you so!  I can only imagine how much more I will love you when you are 62.   

Monday, August 23, 2010

What's been a happening!

1. Eliza turned 11 months on Sunday, which means she is officially almost a one year old.  She took her first two steps today, which means that we will soon have a walker on our hands.  I cannot believe that almost a year ago I was put on bed rest with the little peanut.  A little bit of bed rest sounds a little nice on a day like today!  Just Kidding...that was NO fun!

2.  Ella will be starting to Mother's Day Out preschool program at our church in a few weeks.  She is so excited about going to school.  I hope she won't be utterly devastated when she realizes that it is just the church nursery that she frequents often.  I think she will really enjoy playing with friends and mommy is looking forward to having a little down time with just Eliza.  We have big plans to get any and all shopping/cleaning done on those mornings.  I think it will be good for all of us!!

3.  We had a garage sale on Saturday.  I say every time we do it that I will never ever have another.  They are so much work.  It was so HOT and I only got 2 hours of sleep the night before due to pricing things and my Mocha Frappe that I had after dinner.  When I get really really tired I have the strangest thing eyelids droop and I can barely open my eyes.  I am sure this happens to a lot of people hence the expressions "I need toothpicks to hold my eyelids open" and "droopy eyelids."  But it seriously happens to me.  One old garage sale lady said, "sweetie, are you feeling okay?"  It was a ton of work but worth it as we made some good money and we got rid of A LOT!!!!

4.  I am starting to plan for my girls birthday parties.  Eliza is having a little "owl" themed family party and Ella is going to have her first ever friend's going to be a Barnyard Birthday Bash!  I bought some cheap graphics for $2.50 and I am planning on making the decor myself.  I really do enjoy party planning...esp. for my girls. 

5.  Kevin is...busy!!

6.  Eliza is cutting both eye teeth before getting her upper two front teeth!  How silly is that!

7. Ella's new favorite word is fantastic!

8.  I can't wait for fall!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Eliza's 10 month post

I am consistently getting later and later on posting about Eliza's first year.  It must mean she is almost one!  By the previous blog was titled "One of those day"  for the past 24 plus hours.  I would never claim to be a great writer and generally I blog in the midst of a lot of chaos...but I do know that is just plain wrong!  :) Don't worry it now is corrected!
Eliza is growing and changing into such a toddler.  She is cruising and standing alone without support.  She loves to walk and push her "push toy" across the room.  She also loves to push Ella's stroller!  She loves to be down on the ground investigating everything...including every speck on the carpet!  She gets her feelings hurt when Ella takes a toy from her, and she lets us all know about it.  She is super found of her little pink blankie square, and I think she might love it more than me.  She takes two naps everyday and LOVES real food.  She chowed on some good ole lasagna tonight and put away more than her mama!  It is so nice to have a child enjoy their food.  Eliza loves to clap, blow kisses and wave.  Her latest talent is dancing, which is a cute little twist with one arm. 

Last summer at this time, I was huge, hot and ready to get her out!  I am so thankful for God blessing us with her and I can't wait to watch her continue to grow!  I love you wizie woo!