Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Parenting is not for the faint or weak of heart!

This has been a rough, rough month and a half around our house. Yes, we've had good days and glimmers of health, but our girls (mostly ella) have been so so sick! It all started with that mean, nasty, awful hand/foot and mouth that ella had a terrible case of right before Thanksgiving. On the heels of that they both took RSV (eliza's being much worse...ella's was just a cold). Then ella took a week long viral fever...high fevers and feeling miserably! We had six good days that thankfully were over Christmas and then she's been battling another virus...(fever for two days and diarrhea and one day of vomiting for nine days straight!!! I am end of my rope! I am worried and so ready for my girl to be her active, witty, and healthy self again. We have been to the doctor each time...sometimes numerous times and it's been all viral.

My doctor thinks her immune system is still run down and she has had bad timing on catching EVERYTHING!! I pray this is it and there is nothing more serious going on. I hate seeing her not feel good and she cannot afford many more days of not wanting to eat! Everytime she gains a pound or two she gets sick and refuses to eat! I know there are many parents who wish there child just had a viral infection and I want to keep perspective, but it's beginning to seem never ending.

If anyone has any good immune boosting products or ideas pass them my way! I want my healthy girl again!!


carissa said...

so sorry julie! you have had much too much sickness at your house!!! praying that she gets well, stays well and that no one else get's it!

The Carters said...

Hope Ella feels better soon!!

The Q family said...

We have had seasons like that, I know your pain. I've been giving my kids vitamins since the beginning of fall and the sicknesses that they have caught since they started have all been pretty mild. It is an investment and a LOT of vitamins, but it has been the mildest illness season we've had for years. I use Yummy Bears(the kids really think they are candy, even the pickiest eat them without a fight). We use the Multi Vitamin, Whole Food vitamin, Omega blend, and Vitamin D3. Then part time(10 days on, 10 days off) they get Echinacea. It is not cheap, especially with my 5 little bodies, but it has made a BIG difference. I really hope that you all get healthy and STAY healthy.

Helen Joy said...

I'm so sorry! That just sounds awful! I hope they get well and stay well!