Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Happy Birthday Mom!

The "Moore" Girls

Cute Little Mimi

Mimi and eliza

Mimi and Titus. This is at the airport...and yes those
are tears of happiness.

Mimi and her very first grandchild at the fair!

Me and mom

Mimi wrestling a wild little ella!

Today is my mom's Birthday! It's funny because I call her mimi more than I call her mom these days. God graced my life when he made her my mom. She is and has been a wonderful mother and friend to me. She is the kind of mom who gives and gives and gives to her family. She is the heart of our family. How can I describe my mom to you? Let's see...her day begins early every day. I am talking like 3:45am or 4:00 am. That is her wake-up time. Yes, I do think she is crazy. She is naturally an early bird and always has been. In fact, I cannot recall one day of my 22 years living in her home when I woke up before her. She was always up before us. Oh, how I wish I could do that. She gets up early and has made this her life's routine in order to have time with the Lord. You will find her bible study books, bibles, and journals strewn about her chair on any given morning. Oh, how I want to be like her! She prays for us...all of us! This has always given me comfort to know that my mom was praying for me. I knew she was but always found evidences when I sneaked a peak into her journals as a child (sorry mom).

She is a teacher. She went back to school when I was in middle school after being a stay at home mom for my whole childhood. I cannot imagine being in college while caring for a family, maintaining a home, being a pastor's wife, and putting dinner on the table each night! Seriously, I couldn't have done it. She was determined as she knew they would have three girls to help through college in a few years. She arrives at school early (too early in my opinion) to get things ready for the day. She is a great teacher and still brings all her big ole books home every night to review her next day! She is a great teacher.

She is a pastor's wife. My mom has served faithfully along with my dad for well over 30 years in the ministry. I know those years have been both challenging and blessed. I have seen her serve in so many different roles because they were areas that were in need. She has been: a nursery worker, VBS Leader, Children's Sunday School Teacher, Adult Women's Sunday School teacher, she's led bible studies, she's planned women's luncheons, she's sung in the church choir, she even played the piano on a few occasions that I remember when the pianist was out. She's done it all. The thing that stands out the most about my mom as a pastor's wife is her humility. She is such a humble person. She never wants to be the center of attention or out front so everyone can see "Her." She never wants people to think she has it all together or has to be the one "in charge." She is very humble!

She is a great mom. She has three daughters who are all different. From our our hair color to our love languages and our personalities. We are all very different. My mom loves us all and is a close friend to each of us. In fact, we all 3 call her....every day! Yes, her phone rings a lot! She is always there to hear about our days, lend good advice about everything from potty training to medical emergencies, and always spends her time invested in our lives. We have already said that when mimi gets old...we're talking really many many years from now, there will be a three way fight over who gets to care for mimi. I mean she is loved that much by her girls!

She is a mimi. I would say grandmother but that sounds too old. She is a mimi to five boys (including out Samuel) and 3 girls. They all love mimi too! She spends most of her afternoons babysitting one or more of them. Her playroom is a lively place full of toys and fun. She never is worried about her house when they are having fun...even when I know she has probably just cleaned it and it quickly is a disaster. I would never worry for a minute when my girls are in her care. She is a fun mimi. She crawls down the hall, hides in the closet, tiptoes to papa office, colors , playes spies, hi-ho cherrio, go fish, and etc. (and yes all of these are when entertaining little people). It is a blessing to know that my girls have a godly mimi to help teach them about the Lord.
We all love you mimi! We hope you feel loved today!

Monday, March 1, 2010

A good far

Today has been a good day so far. kev had today off of work and that is always so nice. He let me sleep in... until eliza needed to be fed and he dressed both kids and ironed my clothes. I started a new bible study at church today. It is Beth Moore's new...very new...Revelation study! I was hesitant to join because I know that I haven't had as much time to devote to the amount of time a Beth Moore study generally takes. I am not good at going when I haven't completed the weekly homework. I know everyone says to come anyways, but I hate doing that. Usually, I end up in a late week cram session and don't get near as much out of it as I would have. I love having something to get us up and out of the house early on Monday. It is a great way to start out week, and no matter how difficult it is for me to get us there (on time is a totally diff. subject) I always come home feeling refreshed, motivated and ready for the week. So, I made myself join the new study once again. Have I mentioned they have free childcare and you get some adult interaction! I so need that! I was excited to find out that this study is a lecture series and has very little weekly homework! I think this is just what I need at this season. All that said...I am glad I went! Did I mention the hubs cleaned out my van before I left and loaded the girls?? I need him here everyday!

I don't know about you but I am so ready for SPRING! This has been by far our coldest winter in a long time. Usually by February we are having some good warm 70 degree days here and there. The kind of days that start out cold and warm up quickly! I cannot believe we may get a little more snow on Tues. night! That is crazy!!

I am starting my yearly de-clutter! I hate clutter and I hate keeping things we aren't using. I like empty and organized spaces! I am probably a little OCD too. I am ready to simplify and minimize again! I don't know about you but I think my next house will be teeny-tiny!!! The more house...the more space to fill...the more stuff to store and the more space to clean! I am thinking that smaller is better!

And finally, Happy 2nd Anniversary to my little sis Jess and her hubby ryan! Two years ago today it was warm and beautiful! I even got a little sunburn! It wass a beautiful wedding and the most beautiful spring day! We wish you many more years together!

Friday, February 26, 2010

no wonder....

my jeans feel tighter today! I have indulged....and it's been so good! The Sweetheart shake...a yummy combo of vanilla icecream, real cherries, and white and milk chocolates! I love cherries and chocolate! I think it is a good think that this is a limited item! Yum Yum...just don't look up the calories or fat wonder my jeans feel tight!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Art of being 2

This is not the first time this has happened at our house. For the past year we've kept the toilet paper on the back to the toilet to avoid these issues. I felt as though we were now far too mature and dignified for such displays of childish foolishness....obviously not. I guess it was just too appealing. And you know that once it starts rolling it just goes and goes and goes! When I showed her daddy the evidence (picture) his first thought was of course....what did you do with it! I assured him that I was not concerned with being frugal at this moment and I most definitely did not rewind the whole toilet roll!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

For Comparison Sake

My girls really look very different...yet at times they look a lot alike too! I guess that makes them sisters!




In both pictures they are wearing the same outfilt and almost 5 months.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Valentine's Day and catching up

We had such a great Valentine's weekend as a family. I didn't want February to slip by without blogging about our special weekend.

Ella has mastered the art of saying "Cheese!" This is her new look for pictures! I think they are the cutest things I have ever seen!

Look at my sweet little Eliza...too bad they both weren't smiling!

Us girls made a special dinner for daddy when he got home from work on Friday night!

While we were eating it started to SNOW!! We were so excited!

We had cupcakes for dessert! They were so good...can't you tell!

We played Princess memory! It was cut a little short..but we had some fun!

This is what we woke up to the next morning! Yes mommy did wear her pj pants in snow...we aren't really prepared for that here!

Eliza and mommy enjoyed the snow from the inside!!

Daddy and ella made a snow family!

They played hard and had so much fun!

We came inside and got warmed up. We ate pancakes and snuggled together!

Mommy had a great idea to bake lots of valentine cookies! Daddy saw I needed some help!

Baking overload...I may not do this for a very long time. Next time we'll do pre-made cookies!

We baked and decorated and baked and decorated! It was fun and a MESS! Ella napped for this part!

It was such a fun and different weekend for we will always remember!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Eliza is 5 months!!!

Hi, my name is eliza. Mommy calls me wizie woo! I am five months old today. Mommy says I am getting so big! Sissy says I am a tiny baby and she likes to tell me I am a boy! I was sick last week with a terrible cold. Those things are no fun. My little nose was so stuffy and mommy kept cleaning it out with that terrible nose sucker!! When we were at the doctor they said I was 12lbs. and 12 oz. Mommy said I am growing and have grown so much from the tiny peanut I started out at.

This is me last week. Mommy said I had sad, weak eyes. They look much better today!!

This is me and my sis. We're good pals most days. She usually makes me smile and laugh, but sometimes she really gets on my nerves. She likes to poke my eyes and pat my head. Mommy tells her no. She gets in big trouble sometimes. Mommy puts her in time-out. I just sit and watch. I don't want to have to sit in time-out! Oh yea, sissy wakes me up everyday! It is great! Mommy usually gets mad at her, but I am glad to get to wake up!!

People, food is so good! Why did no one tell me sooner! I really like squash and sweet potatoes! That's all I had so far other than that cereal's kinda bland.

I can roll now! It is so cool to do. Mommy is scared to put me on the floor to roll when sissy is around. She sometimes tries to to roll me herself. ouch!!

Check-out this cool toy! I could sit here forever! Who do you think I look like here?
Most people say I look like my papa and my cousin Landon. Mommy said I look some like my aunt joy in this picture.

I can't seem to keep my socks on. They fall off all they time! Mommy keeps putting them on and they fall back off.

This is me alseep at night. I still like to be swaddled. Mommy said she knows that will probably change soon. It makes me feel so secure and cozy! Since I've had a cold I figured out that I can wake up and mommy will come and get me. It is great to see mommy in the middle of the night. Mommy says we are gonna have to work on that. Better run, it's time to eat! Love, eliza

We love you so much! You are the sweetest little thing and we cannot imagine not having you in our lives. We are so thankful that God gave you to us and we look forward to watching you grow this next month!