Saturday, January 1, 2011

A Look Back and A Look Ahead

It's hard to believe that today starts a new year.  I always find myself filled with mixed feelings as one year closes and a new one unfolds.  Sad, on one hand that time continues to march forward despite me wanting to slow it down, and yet excited and a bit apprehensive that there is newness on the horizon. 

2010 was a great and busy year for our family.  With Kev in school full-time and having two under two for most of the year it was quite busy.  Some days just getting out the door by 1:00 was a big accomplishment...and I am not kidding! 

I am sure that 2011 will bring is share of fun, busyness, and challenges.  All I know is that I am thankful that I have the Lord's Grace and Mercy that follows after me as I run this race of life. 

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas Picture Overload...part 1

This Christmas stuff is exhausting!

This was the best of many attempts!

Eliza and her cuz!

Christmas Eve Jammies!

Ella and her tree on Christmas morning!

Eliza and her tree!

Daddy reading the Christmas story from the Bible.  There was a lot going on!

Eliza preferred the gift bags!!

Eliza's gifts from mommy and daddy!

Ella's gifts from mommy and daddy!

We have two new cooks in the kitchen!!

My little Sweet pea!

My big girl!!

Merry Christmas Everybody!

Friday, December 24, 2010

It's here!!

Well, it is 11:10 on Christmas Eve and all my to-do's are finally done.  Well, actually that is not true because I came upstairs to quickly sew some cute little aprons (a project that I have been putting off) to add to the girls Christmas loot.  They are getting a new kitchen tom. and doesn't every cook need a apron?  Instead I am still procrastinating!!

We have had a wonderful week finishing up our Christmas traditions.  Sometimes I feel like I about kill us in our merry memory making.  Today our family delivered a ton of very special gifts to a family who is very in need this year.  Our sweet Sunday School Class was so giving and Kev, Ella, Eliza and I had the privilege of seeing the giving in action.  It broke our hearts as the mom who is 31 like me, was missing all of her front top teeth and wore the physical signs of a very hard life.  The dad must have thanked Kevin a million times as they unloaded the boxes.  Ella was very curious and asked a million questions about the kids and family.  I was so thankful that she got to be a part.  Last night as we were wrapping the gifts she was coloring.  When she was done she stacked her picture with the gifts and said, "Mommy this is for the kids that don't have."  I pray that we can teach our girls to be giving. 

Tonight we enjoyed a great Christmas Eve service and a wonderful dinner out with family and friends.  We drove around and saw a few more lights and headed home for the girls to unwrap their Christmas pj's  and get in bed.

I cannot wait to see their little faces in the morning. 

Thank you Jesus for coming, living, dying and walking through this earthly life with us.  Happy Birthday Jesus!!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Is Christmas really almost here?

I think I am setting a record this year with my lack of Christmas posts.  It has already been a very busy month despite my efforts for it not to be.  I am more behind in my shopping than I have ever been.  Seriously, I like to have things bought and some years even wrapped by Thanksgiving.  Not this year!!  I think since we've done some major cutting back in buying this year, it has left me confused or maybe just unmotivated. We also haven't "seen the lights", baked our cookies and goodies, wrapped a single gift, finished mailing my cards, or done the first advent activity with the girls like I wanted to do daily.  I guess that qualifies me as a bad mom.  Sometimes I can't seem to get it all done, and I am trying more and more to let some things go.

If you saw my downstairs hardwood floors this morning, after I cleaned it thoroughly'd know why some things you just can't keep the way you want them.  It really is disheartening...but it light of things not such a biggie and I know this is something the Lord is teaching me.

We had family photos made a few weeks ago and I love them.  It was such a fun and beautiful day spent together, that ended in a large scoop of peanut butter and choc. ice cream from Baskin Robbins!  Yum!

We had a blue balloon in honor of Samuel.  We knew two little girlies would be fighting for it so they got red ones too!

My little sweetie!

More fun and colorful bribes that resulted in Eliza's new found love of a sucker...and also a big mess!

Oh how I love those little girlies!
Hopefully next week we can finish up our shopping, baking, light seeing, and enjoy some lazy days at home together!  Hopefully!!!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Don't you ever grown up!!

Apparently, growing up is par for the course, which means today there are 31 candles on my cake.  How in the world did I get to 31?  I really feel about 24.  My twenties went so fast that I am hoping that my 30's will be slow.  I am guessing that won't happen either.  I am not a big Taylor Swift fan, but I heard this song this week for the first time and it left me in tears.  Probably because I have two little girls that I really wish would never grow up and because at times I wish I wouldn't either.  What would I give to be about 7 years old again, with not a care or responsibility in the world.