Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Rest for the Weary

If there is ever a time in one's life when they feel the need for extra grace and strength...it might be during the newborn stage.  Long gone are the cherished days when we brought home our first born.  I could sleep when she slept and spend my days snuggling in her sweet newborn smell.  With three little stair steps all 3 and under...life is shakin!!  Nights are long and mornings come all too soon with the sound of our early birds.  Days are spent trying to stay on top of pumping and feeding (which is for the birds and a new experience for me) and trying to keep 2 doting sisters from feeding, harming or waking little brother. 

I am not complaining because if there is one thing I have asked God for it is for my children...all of them! But oh my goodness, mothering will send you to your knees!!

This is an excerpt from my quiet time this morning.  It is from the book Jesus Calling by Sarah Young.  I must say that it is one of my favorite quick little reads and always provides encouragement for my weary soul. 
"Come to Me when you are weak and weary.  Rest snugly in My everlasting arms.  I do not despise your weakness, My child.  Accept yourself in your weariness, knowing that I understand how difficult your journey has been.

Do not compare yourself with others, who seem to skip along their life-paths with ease.  Their journeys have been different from yours, and I have gifted them with abundant energy.  I have gifted you with fragility, providing opportunities for your spirit to blossom in My presence.

Rather than struggling to disguise or deny your weakness, allow Me to bless you richly through it."
pg. 235
For your viewing pleasure...Eli's first real bath!


Heather said...

What a great word for today! Thank you for sharing. Eli is such a beautiful baby, and I pray you get some rest soon. Having a newborn with toddlers is exhausting!

carissa said...

i pumped 8 times/day with both of mine for 9 months. it's so hard. i feel for you. hang in there. God is giving you new grace every morning. and Eli is so precious. so handsome. - i know you're a proud momma.

Joyce said...

That little boy is one gorgeous kissable huggable snugglable loveable cutest little vegemite


(BTW vegemite is a huge compliment around here being as I am Australian)

Mary Hayes said...

Julie ~ thanks for sharing the exercpt ~ it's exactly what I needed today & love the pic of Eli ~ hang in there!
Mary :)

The Via Colony said...

Awww...the first real bath:)

LaPaula Williams said...

Keep up the great work Julie. You will look back on these days and wonder how in the world you did it, but you will be so thankful and glad that they are close in age. It is a precious relationship that they will have. My three boys were all three and under and I wondered many days how I would do it all. Well, I survived it, and now treasure the friendship they have. You are doing awesome!!!!!