Friday, September 11, 2009

Fri. appointment

Today's appointment went well. Eliza slept through the first part of my non-stress (very stressful test)! Her heart was beating so I knew she was alive but her heartbeat was very non-reactive and I kept waiting on her kicks. I began to stress and decided in my mind that they'd be sending me straight to the hospital. I knew the strip didn't look quite as it should. The nurse got me some juice and about 10 minutes later she finally woke up and began to do some kicks. About 45 minutes later, they said it looked good...and I didn't need an ultrasound today so that was good. My stomach showed some growth from last week...still about 2 weeks smaller than it should measure...but at least it appears that she may have grown! If not, I surely did...I'll spare you on my weeks weight gain..but let's just say I did my part! So 10 days or less and (wiser) as her sister has been calling her, will finally be here!

1 comment:

Helen Joy said...

I've been thinking about you a lot lately and always pray for Eliza and a safe and beautiful birth! Your sewing of the nursery stuff is so so beautiful!