Wednesday, October 14, 2009

My Girls

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good. His love endures forever!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

It's Official..

I must really be a grown up because I now drive a mini-van. I have many friends who vow to never drive one, but if they only saw how roomy they are they might just change their minds. Can I just tell you how thankful I am to have a car again. We sold Kev's truck a few weeks ago so I have been car less. Thankfully, my mom has been gracious enough to cart us around with her some so that I wouldn't completely lose my mind. Have said before that I don't do well staying at home? After weeks of bed rest and then no vehicle I think we may go for a very long ride today! I am so thankful that the Lord led us to a great deal after weeks and weeks of looking at cars. I am even more thankful that we only had to pay a little extra after the sale of Kevin's truck. My wonderful hubby sold his second truck within our 6 years of marriage...for the sake of our family! He's a keeper. I think it only took about one time of me having to crawl over the middle console into the little space in the back of the explorer to convince him that we could use a little more space.

Although it is not a new van or perhaps the color I'd have chosen if I'd had my top pick, it is nice and will be great for us. We decided a long time ago after buying a new vehicle shortly after we married that we'd never ever go into car debt again. I am thankful that so far we have been able to stick to that!

The man we bought it from told us that he was born a Muslim and is now an atheist. My dad and Kev were able to witness to him some and left him with a gospel track and DVD. We are praying that the Lord will soften his heart and that he'll find the Lord one day.

Monday, October 12, 2009


I'll get back to my title in a minute...but I want to start by just saying a nice slow ahhh! Ella is tucked in her bed and eliza is nuzzled beside me in her bouncy chair and they are both asleep! One more time....ahhh!

I figured I'd take this minute to catch up on my blog reading and posting...which I do find somewhat relaxing and therapeutic. I have a lot to catch up on. Ella celebrated her 2nd birthday last Thursday and I am sad that I didn't get her a b-day post up yet. We had a really fun family day and I have some cute pics to post soon...hopefully later this week. She is two and acting every bit of it. I think the newness of her little sister is wearing off and she is realizing she is staying. She is still wanting to love on her little sis but I sense a little aggression in her love pats. Whew...we are having to watch her like a hawk. She loves to pinch eliza's little nose! I do agree that it is so cute that it would make you just want to give it a little pinch..but big sis doesn't know a lot about personal space yet. Especially when she says, "Oh, Titus I snuggle you!" and throws her whole head of luscious red hair covering eliza's face! If you're confused about why she is calling her Titus you can read the previous posts...and no it is still not getting better! We may just have two little Titus' in our family!

Eliza is the sweetest little thing. I love her more and more each day! She is really sleeping well. Last night she slept from 11:30 until 3:00 and then from 3:45-6:30. That was probably our best stretch so far. Thankfully she is going back to sleep easily after eating. She def. has a fussy time from around 8pm until bedtime...lots of crying! We are still trying to figure out her hair color. I am thinking she is going to be a Blondie like her daddy! At times I see hints of some red and there is def. some brown in the back too. It does appear to be getting lighter on the top! Oh and at her 2 week check-up she was up to 6lbs 10 oz. which was almost gaining 1lb in about a week. Woo Hoo!

Okay, now to my title. I told Kevin yesterday that Intentional is my word for the week. I am really trying hard to be intentional in the things I do.

I really need to be Intentional in what I eat this week. When you are tired and sleep deprived it is so easy to make unhealthy food choices that leave you feeling worse and not better. (ex. my peanut butter shake I got from sonic on Friday night because I felt stressed and tired...oh and I finished ella's too! Yeah..that is the way to lose those pregnancy pounds!) I really need to lose some more poundage before it cools off so I will have some jeans to fit. I also want to be intentional in working out. This is not something that comes easy for me and not generally a normal part of my day. I bought the workout video called The Shred. It is so easy to just not do it. I have to be focused and make the effort in my day so that I will get it done.

I also have neglected spending a personal quiet time with the Lord for many weeks now. Nothing will show you your need for the Lord faster than dealing with a 2 year old and a newborn while feeling like a hormonal mess! I cannot be the mommy and wife I need to be without being intentional in spending time with the Lord. I need time with Jesus to balance me, slow me down, help me to see what is really important in my life. I bought a new quiet time book for busy moms and so far it is really good. It is not an in depth study but just what I need at this season of my life.

A few other areas of where I have found I need to be intentionally focused is in getting mine and ella's showers at night. I know you are saying, Huh?? But I have found that if I will do this it helps me so much the next day. It makes getting out of the house seem like it might happen before two and I might actually get a chance to straighten my hair. I never feel like doing this but it makes my next day so much easier! I am also trying to get our clothes out the night before! It takes me only a minute or two but really helps to not be chasing ella from room to room as she is pulling out everything while I gather our clothes. These are just little things that I need to do in order to be the best me.

So that is where I am at and what I trying to do this week. I'll let you know how it goes.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Two weeks and adjusting!

Today was my first solo outing with both girls. We had to go to the a lab and have a little more blood work done on miss Eliza. Her thyroid levels in her newborn screening came back slightly elevated and so they are re-checking it again. We are praying that everything will be perfectly normal this time and we won't have to ever think about it again!

We are adjusting to having a newborn. I have felt so much more tired this time around...or maybe I just forgot how tired I was last time. Everyone keeps reminding me that it is because I have a toddler too. Eliza is such a great baby so far. She is sleeping great for being a 2 week old and is very content..unless she is getting her diaper changed. Ella seems to really love her and did not like the lab tech poking her baby today. She has surprised us in how well she has done! She usually asks to hold her once or twice a day. She loves to hold her hands and sing, "Ashes ashes, we fall down!" She likes to know where she is at all times, esp. when she wakes up from a nap and she likes her to be where we are. Oh, and she is still calling her Titus. I know one day we will laugh with her about it but really it is a little frustrating at times. Today at the lab she kept calling her her Titus and the sweet foreign lab tech who spoke little English was somewhat confused. She asked me several times what her name was. I tried to explain that Ella was calling her sister by her cousin's name...but I don't think she understood. Oh well!

I think some of the more challenging things about having two little ones is getting them safely up and down stairs, in and out of cars, and inside the house. I feel like I don't have enough arms! I am always worried about ella taking off or having to leave Eliza waiting! Another challenging thing has been the amount of time consumed with feeding Eliza while Ella is playing. She is doing great playing independently and I am so proud of her ,but my oh my we are making some big ole messes! We are also going through lots of diapers. I have no clue how many but it is a ton! I wanted to get Ella potty trained before Eliza was born, but she wasn't all that interested... so we just waited. I also figured it might be easier changing diapers than running her to the potty a million times a day! We'll work on that this winter!

So far I have loved having two little girls to dress in cute clothes! I love watching Ella love her little sis and look forward to watching their relationship develop! I also love riding in the car and looking back and seeing them both. I think I have said before that after we lost Samuel I'd often be driving in my car thinking, crying, pleading to the Lord for more children. It was often when I was alone in the car that I dealt with the reality we were living. Itseemed like then that it would be an eternity until we'd have one child and the thought of having two seemed like an endless dream. I knew the Lord would one day bless us but the waiting was painfully hard. Now, I love to I look back into the back seat and see them both. I feel so blessed, so fulfilled and so content with my family!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Eliza's First Week

Ready to go home!!

Sister time!

My first car ride...made me sleepy!

Ahhhh...she's home!

We went for a walk the other night and kev and
I looked down and ella was holding eliza's hand!
So sweet!

Sponge bath

My sweet big girl!

Ella wanted Eliza to wear her necklace!

Eliza's first doc. appt.

Feeling better!

I am feeling so much better and I am so glad. I feel like we are settling in to our new life with another child and to be honest it is going better than I anticipated. I am not sure what next week will be like when Kevin is back to work...more challenging I am sure. I have so enjoyed him being at home with me. Eliza has been a wonderful baby so far. She is so so sweet and tiny! We love her so much and feels like she has always been a part of our family! She eats, sleeps a lot right now, and is going with the flow of our family. So far at night I have been waking her to feed her every 2 1/2 to 3 hours and she eats and is going right back to sleep! Amen, praise the Lord. I will be glad when I can stop waking her to eat in the night, but until she grows a little bigger I will continue to. I know we have some rough nights ahead, but so far I am so thankful.

Eliza had her first check-up on Monday and she was only 2 oz. from being back to her birth weight. Woo Hoo! Her cord also fell off on Sunday night which I thought was really fast! She got her first bath that night and screamed through the whole thing!

Ella is being such a sweet big sis. She is so funny talking to Eliza. Today she was saying, "Come on, Titus...hi five!" Yes she is still calling her Titus. I find myself getting all mixed up with her name now too. Isn't that terrible. My sister Jess who is Titus' mom suggested we call her Elizas...that is what my brain keeps getting stuck on. Yesterday in the car ella said, "Hi Titus, how are you? Yous sheepin? Waked up! Share!" All in one sentence! As you can tell sharing is talked about a lot in our house right now.

I think the thing that has been the hardest for her so far has been the change in our morning routine. She used to get in our bed and "snuggle" with me while daddy got ready for work. This usually meant her watching Mickey while mommy drifted in and out of sleep. Now when she comes into the room I am normally up nursing and she keeps saying, "Mommy my turn, snuggle!" Today she waited patiently and when I put Eliza back in her bassinet she said so excitedly, "Mommy, my snuggle!" I think we are beginning to get into a routine.

I have tons of pics of Eliza's first week and I plan to upload them today. Have a great day! I am loving this cooler weather and as much as I loathe being pregnant in the summer, I sure love having a fall baby!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Reflections on my first postpartum days

Good thing a women "glows" so they say when pregnant because there aint no glowing in the first few postpartum days. This has been my roughest go of it yet. This being my 3rd delivery, I felt as though I was well prepared for what the first few days after having a baby is like. I am not someone who like to lay around, knocked up on pain meds. I like to get up and try to get ready for the day! It always makes me feel better.

Well, if you saw me today you'd see my in pjs, no make-up, hair pulled back, and just hoping tom. I will feel better. I nursed ella and had to let my milk dry up with Samuel which was pure torture. I am familiar with nursing and engorgement and how rough the process can be. However, I was not prepared for this. Mastitis on postpartum days 4&5. My milk came in with a vengeance and sweet little eliza is trying her best and cannot keep up. I have tried everything! Last night I began running a fever, chills, aching all over and couldn't function. I called the doc. on call and they called me in a prescription at 12am. My sweet hubby ventured out with all the crazies in the middle of the night to pick it up for me. I am still feeling pretty rough today. There is really no way to prepare for cracked and bleeding nipples, swollen breasts, pain and nursing every 2-3 hours. I really am committed to nursing for many reasons and I am praying I will make it through this stretch! Nursing is hard in the beginning and I know the rewards both financially and practically speaking of continuing! Don't ever let any tell you it is a piece of cake. Maybe this is why so many women are so passionate about it!

ella and eliza are doing great! They are sleeping well and adjusting great! Thank goodness. Ella seems to really love eliza now, although she is still being called Titus. We are still working on it. I am so thankful to be a new mommy, but I really cannot wait to feel like myself again. I this frump stage will pass...and the mastitis will hopefully clear up soon. Can't wait to get on with life!