Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sisters and brother

Two big sisters who are loved so very much.  Bringing us daily laughter and joy....they fill our home with bows and bloomers, purses and babies.   They love each other fiercely and fight as sisters do.  They cry and comfort when the other is punished, and melt mommy's heart as they hold hands sweetly in the back seat of the van.  They have their own "play" that often leaves us wondering.  They love to match, most days.... and Ella often confesses that Eliza is her favorite friend.  Eliza is content letting Ella take the lead and often does whatever Ella tells her to do (not always the best idea).  These two sweet girls redeemed our loss and have filled our hearts with thankfulness.   They remind me of health, happiness and normalcy.

Little new and so young.  Each day we are learning you more and loving you more.  You are teaching us to look at life from an eternal perspective.  You are teaching us that it is okay to be different...okay to have challenges.   You have rocked our little world and all I know is that God must have some awesome plan for you.  Every little milestone...even as small as tracking a toy or responding to a sound is a new celebration.  We will walk through the challenges ahead beside you, cheering you on and upholding you with our love.  Little loved, so cherished, so very sweet.

1 comment:

Heather said...

You have such beautiful children! Eli is becoming quite the chunky monkey :)