Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Our Story

Kelly from Kelly's Korner is inviting people to share their own personal story of how God worked in their lives, by linking up with a friend's blog.  Well, I still haven't learned how to do the link-up thing, but I felt led to share our story again today.  If you've followed my blog for the past 2 1/2 years, I have shared it before, but in case you just blog hopped over to here, I will share it once again.  In fact, I promised the Lord at a point in time when life seemed pretty grim that if he would get me through, I would try to be faithful to use the opportunities that He gave to me give Him praise. 

Kev and I married in May of 2003.  I knew he was God's choice for me despite our rather short courtship and 6 month engagement.  I had a peace that I knew was from God and I knew that he was leading us to marry.  I was just finishing my first year of teaching 1st grade and he was working full-time as well. 

We set our minds to get out of the rather large pile of DEBT that we brought into the marriage and acquired shortly after marriage (School loans, car loan, credit card, house, and it all added up quickly to a nice HUGE number!)  I had always, always, always known that I desired to be a stay at home mom and have a house full of kids.  In fact, from the time I was young all I really wanted to be was a mom. We knew if there was any hope of me getting to one day stay at home, we had to get serious about our debt and our finances.  We both worked hard for for several years and as the years passed we saw our debt dwindling too. 

We (I) being the planner that I am, had it all figured out and calculated just perfectly.  I knew when I needed to get pregnant in order to use my leave days (that I had been saving for the past four years,) in order to get paid and also get the last three months off of teaching in order to begin my career as a stay at home mom.  So, we were excited about the possibility of starting a family, but this was uncharted territory for me and at that point the thought of even a small finger prick was enough to make me wonder if I could do it, much less birth a baby at a HOSPITAL (I used to be super scared of them).  Needless to say, I have come a long way.  We tried and to our surprise we got pregnant that very first month.  I found out on July 20, 2005 that I was going to be a mom, while at the doc. for what I thought to be a UTI.  We were super excited and told both of our families that very first day and friends very soon afterwards. 

My pregnancy went great with very minor nausea.  On November 7, 2005 I was scheduled for our 20 week ultrasound.   We hadn't had one since I was about 9 weeks and so we couldn't wait to see our peanut and most importantly (as we thought then), find out what we were having.  Sitting in that waiting room was a young, unscathed, unbroken, super excited, had their whole lives planned out, couldn't wait to paint the nursery, young couple whose lives were about to be changed forever.

In our routine ultrasound, we quickly learned that our little peanut had two multi cystic kidneys and they didn't see a bladder on the ultrasound.  The ultrasound was also very dark and it was hard to get a good view of the baby because it showed that I had no amniotic fluid.  We were shocked.  They concluded the ultrasound and took us into a small office, and I asked Kev to please call my parents who were home anxiously awaiting our call.  They explained a little more about what might be wrong and scheduled us for another ultrasound the following day with a specialist.  I remember the shock of thinking that we might be having a child with a severe birth defect.  I still hadn't grasped the concept that our child might die. 

We went to my parents house and I made a few phone calls to friends who were waiting to hear what we were having.  (They couldn't tell and at that point it was the least most important thing in our minds).  Follow-up ultrasounds showed the same thing.....a rare and fatal kidney problem.  Fatal as in no baby with this condition survives due to a multitude of related issues.  HOW?  WHY?  WHAT??  It seemed at times as if we were watching someone else walk through these painful events.  I couldn't believe that this was really happening to our perfect our child. 

As believers, we relied heavily on our Sunday School class, church, family and the Lord.  We undoubtedly felt their prayers and love.  We kept doing what we had been before, yet with a new brokenness and a new passion.  Kev continued to teach Sunday School week in and week out and I continued to teach my first graders.  Those were hard weeks....long weeks of waiting. They told us that most women chose to abort terminal pregnancies and that they really didn't know what the following weeks would hold for us.  We were asked several times if we were sure we wanted to continue our pregnancy.    We chose life for our little one who was tucked away inside living out his short yet meaningful little life.   We chose to(as my dad says it best) stay committed to Jesus, even when the situation, circumstances, and people said otherwise.  This was faith and we were living in out daily in a tangible way. 

I went into labor on January 30, 2006 at about 10:30pm.  Our precious little son, Samuel, was born the following morning at 11:22 am and lived a short few minutes on this earth.  I never saw his little eyes open and I never heard him cry, but one thing I know, he was real, God had a purpose and our lives were forever changed.

There is so much to that part of the story, but our God story doesn't end there.  A few months after losing Samuel we got the okay from doctors that Samuel's condition was not genetic and we felt at peace with trying again.  Actually, I was desperate to try again.  Unlike when we got pregnant with Samuel and I was kinda okay with the idea of starting a family.  This time I felt like if I didn't have another child I might die.  I know that sounds a bit dramatic, but it was like having a taste of being a mother without getting to do any of the fun stuff (no shower, no nursery, no baby shopping, no bringing the baby home, no getting to show off your new bundle of joy, no coos, no first smiles, no birthdays to celebrate, and the list could continue on and on!)

We began trying and unlike our easily getting pregnant with Samuel it didn't seem as easy this time.  In fact month after month we would try and month after month, test after test it was negative.  In fact, it was during this year of trying that I really struggled with my relationship with the Lord.  I felt as though he had forgotten us.  I felt as though He was withholding a blessing from us while showering everyone around with tons. I felt as though we had be faithful and I didn't see the profit.  I was grieving, I felt depressed, and some days I felt hopeless.

In Oct. we began some testing at a local fertility center mainly because I was about to lose my sanity over OPKs, testing, charting, and if you've ever been there, you understand.  We did our first IUI procedure in Oct. which resulted in a chemical pregnancy (basically just a very early miscarriage).  We did another on Christmas Eve (due to my cycle) of 2006.  I just knew this would be our Christmas blessing, yet it resulted in a negative test two weeks later.  By January of 2007, we were at what should be Samuel's first birthday and we were feeling the pressure at all sides.  I remember one morning crying out to God as I tried to get myself up and ready to go teach a brood of busy first graders.  It was that morning that I called Kevin and told him that we had to be serious about following God's plan for us even if we didn't like it.  (Once again I am eating those words that I said that day because it goes against what my nature would like to do.)  I said something like...if God has called you to the have got to do it and quit telling God you aren't ready.  I also told him that I would continue teaching to help him through seminary (something we'd been looking into).  I think he knew I meant business when I said that.  We did our third and final (three is about how many they want you to do before thinking it might not work) IUI in January.  Kev applied to seminary and we felt a new direction and peace in our lives.  Two weeks later on Feb. 3, 2007, one year to the VERY DAY that we laid our little Samuel's body in the grave, we received about ten positive pregnancy tests!!  We knew it only God could plan it like that and we knew God was in it.   About 8 months later on October 8th, 2007 I held our little Ella for the first time. 

I was thinking about all of this just the other day as I was thinking about Ella's birth.  If I would of had my way I would have been pregnant much sooner without all the trials, testing, meds, disappointments.  If that would have been the case I wouldn't have my ella  and I cannot imagine a day without her or her sister Eliza. If I would of had my way Kev wouldn't be halfway through his MDiv. degree.  If I would of had my way I would have missed out on lots of blessings along the way. 

I write ALL of this to encourage you.  If there is one thing I have learned is that with God, the journey is often hard, it often requires sacrifice and a laying down of one's pride and personal agenda.  It requires a change in plans and it always requires faith.  I have also learned that nothing pleases God like faith and no one works the details better than God when He is the one in control.  These are all lessons that I learned that I still have to remind myself of over and over as I am faced with new situations that require faith. 

Psalms 40 1-3
I waited patiently for the LORD;
And He inclined to me,
and heard my cry.
He also brought me up out of a horrible pit
Out of the miry clay,
And set my feet upon a rock,
And established my steps.
He has put a new song in my mouth.
Praise to our God.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Ella's 3rd Barnyard Birthday Bash!!!

We had Ella's 3rd birthday party this past Saturday!  It was her first time to invite a few little friends to her party.  The Lord blessed us with our first cooler "fallish" morning which made our fall farm theme just perfect!!  We had the party at 10:30 which worked great for her age.  It made the morning a little rushed for mommy, but it was nice to still have some time in the day afterwards.  I had a lot of fun planning this party, but mommy is glad that we have a whole year until our next one! 






It was a great party!!  Happy 3rd Birthday Ella! 

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Ella is attending Mother's Morning Out at our church this year.  We call it **school**.  It was hard for me to actually sign her up!  I knew we(Eliza and I) would miss her when she is there, and the thought that she will only be so little for a few more years makes me think twice. has been so good for the both of us.  She is loving every minute of it and asks to go most days (it is only 2 days a week from 9-1).  I love having my mornings with Eliza and some time to run a few errands without both little helpers.  It is amazing how easy one feels after having two.  Eliza and I zip in and out of stores and even go places that I just don't dare to attempt with the both of them.  This has been a great new routine for our fall!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Happy Birthday Eliza

Mommy's first look!
A very happy Daddy!
Such a cutie!
Tiny peanut!

One year ago today, God blessed our lives with Eliza.  We were spending our afternoon in the hospital room soaking in her new baby smell and tiny little fingers and toes.  I was so thankful to not be pregnant and so thankful for a healthy baby girl.  I was nervous about managing two and anxious to see Ella's reaction to her new sister.   I will NEVER get over the blessing of having a healthy baby!  Thank you Eliza for filling our days and home with your sweetness.  Happy Birthday Sweet Girl!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tutu Cute!

Last year after Halloween we bought these two little Tinkerbell costumes for about $3.00 each.  Ella wanted to dress up and surprise her daddy when he got home from work.  Although they were cheap...I think they were also cheaply made.  Both girls had little marks where the fabric had scratched them when we took them off.  Ella said hers was too little and is done being Tinkerbell!  None-the-less, I got some cute pictures

Monday, September 20, 2010

Eliza's 1st Birthday Party

On Saturday we celebrated Miss Eliza's first Birthday.  She will be one this Wednesday.  I went all out for Ella's first birthday, and I was determined that I would do it all for Eliza too.  Eliza is such a special little girl.  She is truly a blessing to our family and we are so thankful that the Lord gave her to us.  We are so thankful for her health and that the Lord had His hand on her throughout a few rough spots in my pregnancy with her. 

I will never forget how on January 30, 2009, I began major hemorrhaging (sorry if that is way, way TMI...but it was reality).  I was only about 5 weeks pregnant and had just had a miscarriage the month before at 10 weeks.  I thought for sure that I was miscarrying again.  My doctor also thought that I was too.  It was too early to see much on ultrasound except that there was a fetal sac.  I was told to lay low and wait.  A week later I went back to have another ultrasound and there on the screen was our precious little peanut with a nice strong heartbeat. 

I was diagnosed with intrauterine growth restriction at 35 1/2 weeks and spent some time on bed rest as we prayed that my placenta would hold up and give Eliza enough nutrients so that she could grow some more.  She did and was born weighing 5lbs 15oz. 

The party was hot (it was outside) and mommy was exhausted from all my baking, crafting and cleaning.  But none the less I tried my very best to celebrate our sweet little e. 

She is truly the sweetest little thing and we praise God for her.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

almost wordless wednesday

The other morning it was strangely quiet.

This is what I found.

Ella and her friends were "at the beach!"  

Friday, September 10, 2010

little sisters

Early Morning Tea Parties hosted by my big sis
Are always really so much fun, I never want to miss!
We bake some cookies in our house and dump out all the toys,

We draw and play and have more fun making lots of little girl noise!

Sissy helps me roll my ball, my daddy would be so proud...
And then she takes me for a spin..and I squeal a little loud!

I love my sissy, oh yes I do!
Having a sissy is that's very True!