Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Ella's 3rd Barnyard Birthday Bash!!!

We had Ella's 3rd birthday party this past Saturday!  It was her first time to invite a few little friends to her party.  The Lord blessed us with our first cooler "fallish" morning which made our fall farm theme just perfect!!  We had the party at 10:30 which worked great for her age.  It made the morning a little rushed for mommy, but it was nice to still have some time in the day afterwards.  I had a lot of fun planning this party, but mommy is glad that we have a whole year until our next one! 






It was a great party!!  Happy 3rd Birthday Ella! 

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Ella is attending Mother's Morning Out at our church this year.  We call it **school**.  It was hard for me to actually sign her up!  I knew we(Eliza and I) would miss her when she is there, and the thought that she will only be so little for a few more years makes me think twice.   But....it has been so good for the both of us.  She is loving every minute of it and asks to go most days (it is only 2 days a week from 9-1).  I love having my mornings with Eliza and some time to run a few errands without both little helpers.  It is amazing how easy one feels after having two.  Eliza and I zip in and out of stores and even go places that I just don't dare to attempt with the both of them.  This has been a great new routine for our fall!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Happy Birthday Eliza

Mommy's first look!
A very happy Daddy!
Such a cutie!
Tiny peanut!

One year ago today, God blessed our lives with Eliza.  We were spending our afternoon in the hospital room soaking in her new baby smell and tiny little fingers and toes.  I was so thankful to not be pregnant and so thankful for a healthy baby girl.  I was nervous about managing two and anxious to see Ella's reaction to her new sister.   I will NEVER get over the blessing of having a healthy baby!  Thank you Eliza for filling our days and home with your sweetness.  Happy Birthday Sweet Girl!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tutu Cute!

Last year after Halloween we bought these two little Tinkerbell costumes for about $3.00 each.  Ella wanted to dress up and surprise her daddy when he got home from work.  Although they were cheap...I think they were also cheaply made.  Both girls had little marks where the fabric had scratched them when we took them off.  Ella said hers was too little and is done being Tinkerbell!  None-the-less, I got some cute pictures

Monday, September 20, 2010

Eliza's 1st Birthday Party

On Saturday we celebrated Miss Eliza's first Birthday.  She will be one this Wednesday.  I went all out for Ella's first birthday, and I was determined that I would do it all for Eliza too.  Eliza is such a special little girl.  She is truly a blessing to our family and we are so thankful that the Lord gave her to us.  We are so thankful for her health and that the Lord had His hand on her throughout a few rough spots in my pregnancy with her. 

I will never forget how on January 30, 2009, I began major hemorrhaging (sorry if that is way, way TMI...but it was reality).  I was only about 5 weeks pregnant and had just had a miscarriage the month before at 10 weeks.  I thought for sure that I was miscarrying again.  My doctor also thought that I was too.  It was too early to see much on ultrasound except that there was a fetal sac.  I was told to lay low and wait.  A week later I went back to have another ultrasound and there on the screen was our precious little peanut with a nice strong heartbeat. 

I was diagnosed with intrauterine growth restriction at 35 1/2 weeks and spent some time on bed rest as we prayed that my placenta would hold up and give Eliza enough nutrients so that she could grow some more.  She did and was born weighing 5lbs 15oz. 

The party was hot (it was outside) and mommy was exhausted from all my baking, crafting and cleaning.  But none the less I tried my very best to celebrate our sweet little e. 

She is truly the sweetest little thing and we praise God for her.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

almost wordless wednesday

The other morning it was strangely quiet.

This is what I found.

Ella and her friends were "at the beach!"  

Friday, September 10, 2010

little sisters

Early Morning Tea Parties hosted by my big sis
Are always really so much fun, I never want to miss!
We bake some cookies in our house and dump out all the toys,

We draw and play and have more fun making lots of little girl noise!

Sissy helps me roll my ball, my daddy would be so proud...
And then she takes me for a spin..and I squeal a little loud!

I love my sissy, oh yes I do!
Having a sissy is great...now that's very True!